The Plight of Michel Angelo Marble in the World
We see marbles beautifully installed in the decor everywhere we go, don't we! Be it a luxurious fine dining restaurant you chose for a meal out, a resort you selected to stay in while being on your travels, or a friend's home you visited recently that had an incredible marble decor, its extensive utilisation in such an appealing fashion amazes one and makes one want to know how marble became so mainstream and admired in the world. Decoding the Extensive Usage of Marble Stones After the usefulness of marble in construction was discovered, it gained much appreciation and admiration for its versatile nature and soon became a popular material for construction in the industry. Since marbles such as Gray Italian Marble , onyx, and more are beautiful natural stones, people loved to make them a part of their home interiors. It was not just their natural elegance that got people's attention. There were plenty of other reasons as well such as marble stones rendering cool int...