Why People Choose Italian Marble?

A-Class Marble is a leading Indian and imported marble dealer in Rajasthan that makes a wide range of imported marble across the world available in any Indian city or state you want it delivered to.

Have you noticed that every time you visit a showroom to buy marble for your kitchen countertop or flooring, the top limestone on the shopkeepers' recommendation list is the famous Italian marble. The reason behind this is the popularity of Roman architecture which has led to making the white Italian marble, in which awe-striking sculptures and buildings of Italy had been constructed, famous all over the world.

The Brilliant Michelangelo Marble

The white Italian marble is famously known as Michelangelo marble as Michelangelo, the greatest artist of all times made profuse use of it in in his sculptures and architecture.

The most treasured works of Michelangelo, for instance, David and Pieta which were sculpted more than 500 years ago, are testaments to the longevity of Italian marble. This beautiful limestone from Italy is known for its durability while giving a high-end look to the place it is installed in.

Italian Marble - a Symbol of Luxury

Italian marble was the limestone employed to make glamorous Roman palaces. As this marble was used in the creation of abode of Kings and Queens, it is known to be the symbol of luxury and that is why people are eager to buy Italian marble and install it in their homes.

The Veined Italian Marble

Though white Italian marble is the most famed and admired, Statuario Italian marble is also in high demand for its beautiful pattern design of grey or gold veins running wild on a white base.

No matter which kind of Italian marble you want to install in your living spaces, A-Class Marble makes a wide range of authentic Italian marbles available in India for you to choose from.

Whether you want Italian Marble in Kishangarh or any other Indian city, A-Class Marble delivers it there. All you have to do is choose your preferred limestone and place an order! 


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